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Benefits of Dancing for Seniors

There are many ways to stay healthy and physically active, and dancing is one of the fun ways to do it! If you’re trying to encourage your senior loved one to exercise regularly, you can suggest dancing to them. Dancing has a lot of benefits...

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What Are the Benefits of Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy has a lot of practical benefits for your senior loved ones, since older adults are more prone to falls and accidents, having physical therapy is ideal for them. Your healthcare in Clovis, California usually offers a service...

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Proper Wound Care Tips After Surgery

A surgical wound is usually an incision through the skin, and the size depends on what kind of surgery you underwent. There are times that an incision breaks open, and your doctor may decide not to stitch it again. You may hire skilled nursing...

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Precautionary Measures for Fall Prevention

Falls are the most common cause of physical injuries among senior individuals, especially those who are living on their own. This is because most seniors suffer from a disability or a chronic medical condition that limits their ability to move...

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Important Benefits of Rehabilitation Therapy

If you have acquired a sports injury, have been injured in a car accident, undergone surgery, or diagnosed with an illness, you may experience frequent pain, discomfort, and limited mobility. And it is only through rehabilitation therapy that...

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Common Signs and Symptoms of Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal cord injury is damage to the spinal cord resulting in the loss of function, mobility, and/or feeling in your body.( Some of the common signs and symptoms of spinal cord injury include: Loss of bladder or bowel...

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