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Recovering from a Spinal Cord Injury

Recovering from a Spinal Cord Injury

A congregate living facility in Clovis, California can help you rehabilitate your spinal cord injury. However, apart from the rehabilitation services that the facility provides, you also need to do your part in your recovery.

Causes of Spinal Cord Injury

Before tackling what to do to recover, it is essential to know the causes of your injury first. Trauma is the most common cause of this condition. Such trauma may be the result of sporting injuries, gunshot or stab wounds on the spine, or falling from high places.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Doctors will perform various imaging tests and other examinations to diagnose this condition. Your doctor may tell you that you need subacute nursing care in California. They may also recommend different treatment options for your recovery. These include surgery and rehabilitation, depending on the gravity of your situation.

What to Do

The following are things you can do for your recovery:

  • Take advantage of physical therapy services.A physical therapist can develop a plan that focuses on your rehabilitation. Make sure to attend and make the most out of the sessions.
  • Take your prescriptions.Your doctor may prescribe certain medications for you. Take them on time.
  • Seek assistance from others.Spinal cord injury limits your mobility. Do not be shy nor be afraid to ask for help from your loved ones or the skilled nursing facility staff whenever you need it.

Grand Villa Congregate Living Health Facility caters to your short-term and long-term nursing care needs. Visit us today or ask about our service offerings!

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